Comptons gay bar london

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If you’re after action we recommend heading to the main floor which is much louder, darker and clubbier.

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Separated into two floors, upstairs has glorious wallpaper and an ornate chandelier – very fancy. This is an old-fashioned gay club that used to have blacked-out windows and sawdust on the floor. Compton’s of SohoĪffectionately named “Soho’s favourite gay bar” by the team behind Compton’s, this place will capture your heart and your liver. We suggest making camp by the jukebox which provides decade after decade of hit. Those of you who enjoy a pint of the pale stuff have the choice of draught Peroni, Stella, Carlsberg, Carling or Heineken, or bottled Sol or Peroni. A one-room bar in the middle of Old Compton this is the place for entertainment and fun. It’s also known for being the scene of a bomb attack, carried out by Neo-Nazi David Copeland on 30 April 1999.

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This venue, in the heart of Soho’s gay scene, was named after Admiral Adam Duncan, who defeated the Dutch fleet at the Battle of Camperdown in 1797. We’re going central and taking you with us.

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